Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 4 -- Wednesday -- Tulum

Not Cozumel.

That was my first surprise. We didn't go to Cozumel, not even for a moment. We got on a ferry (dubbed "barf boat" by Angela), and went straight to Playa Del Carma.

I can't do this right now, the seas are rough, and I'm not feeling very much like writing.

When I actually do this post, it may turn out to be my longest post of the week, but in short...

We've glad we went, and can safely check that as "done."

More later...much more later.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday -- Day 4 -- Grand Cayman Island

Water, water everywhere, and its beauty to behold.

An early morning, today. We met our tour group at 7:50 a.m. to tender to the dock to get on our tour bus.

However, while getting ready, I heard an unmistakable sound. The found of a 5 ton anchor chinking out of its eye, splashing through the water's suffice, and fixing us solidly in place. We did not know the sound was coming, but we didn't need anyone to tell us what it was when it happened.

From the time the sun rose, lighting up the morning and the water, it became apparent that the water off these shores is like the water no where else in the world. I can not describe what it looks like, but I will say, that I've spend a lot of time just looking at the water and its magical colors.

As we departed in the small bus, our driver/tour guide pointed out every spot along our route, not even leaving out "B King," what he called Burger King. He was also quick to point out any recent changes, such as: "On your right, you will see 'The Avalone', that used to be the Holiday Inn, but no more, it is now the Avalone."

Along the way we got our Rumcakes (oh, those are good), got our pictures in Hell (actual city on Grand Cayman), and had a chance to walk along '7 mile beach' (which is really a bit over 14 miles long).

After the morning tour, we started the 'on your own' sightseeing and shopping in the main tourist sections. I'm looking forward to showing off my newest cufflinks--Black Coral.

We chanced a small, local resturant for lunch, and had no regrets. Angela said: "I feel so 'Rachel Ray'." One interesting part is that the menu prices were in CI dollars.

It's still mid-day, so there is still much to do today, so if you are reading this, come back later I will update again late tonight, or tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, that is our long day in Cozumel, Mexico.

Monday -- Day 3 -- Jamaicin me Crazy, Mon

We can now say that we have been to Jamaica.

While we enjoyed it, I'm not sure I want to come back. That makes it sound much worse than it was. It was fun, and we both had several new experiences--most good or great!

The bulk of the day was taken up with our Dolphin Swim and the climb of Dunn's River Falls. That's right, Angela and I (along three 300 of our closest friends) meandered up a multi-level 967 foot waterfall.

We got a couple of great photos of Angela and I kissing or being kissed by our Dolphin, Sally. We had a fun time being part of what Angela called 'the interactive SeaWorld Show.' We then promptly changed into our dry closes for the next adventure. As we sat on the bus, we thought how rude those folks were sitting on the van seats with there bathing suits. Oh, they weren't rude, they were smart.

At Dolphin Cove, we strapped on life vests and got completely in the water with the Dolphins, and we were no wetter than we were when we finished the voyage to the top of the falls. We had a fun guide, and Angela made new friends who kept her from being swept over the side...foiling my plans. On the photo page, you can can see me in the very SEXY green "sticky feet" shoes we rented (ours weren't good enough) for the event.

After a quick trip back to the ship to put on dry clothes and a quick bit of lunch we walked over to the shops for some souvenirs and just to 'poke around'. That 3 or 4 minute walk was one of the most interesting walks of my life. It seems very person on that island has some handy-craft skill and just wants you to hold it for a minute and then give them a donation in return for the gift of their trade. "Come'on help a Jamaican out, mon."

Frankly, a nap was required, and taken. But we did wake up for "Movies Under the Stars." The staff make it a real event. They positioned all the deck chairs in view of the jumbo-tron, put special covers on the lounge pillows, passed out popcorn and all. So there I sat under the open, star-filled sky, while swaying on a boat in the middle of the Caribbean Ocean, charging toward the Cayman Islands, and watching the Bourne Ultimatum in larger than life size. All while a little man (literally little) brought me more popcorn and coke. I could get used to living like that.

Click HERE for photos of today's adventures. But the best will have to wait until we get back and I can scan in the photos we have purchased.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday -- Day 2 -- Joyful exhaustion

How can a day with nothing planned and no schedule leave you so exhausted? Tired, yes...but from fun, not work.

Today, our first full day on of the cruise, was a full day on the boat. What is referred to as "At Sea."

After breakfast (some weird stuff on that buffet), Angela was off to her spa treatments (something about hot rocks and lettuce wrap, I think) and I was off to explore more.

The morning went by quickly, but I can now comfortably say that I know where everything is that I need.

We met up again for a quick lunch, then Angela took to the sun deck for playoff games on the 100 square foot jumbo-tron, and I went to the Art Preview and Action. I fell in love with a piece, but since the opening bid cost more than my car, I felt Angela would frown on my bidding. But I had a great time watching the folks and pairing people with the art they were buying. For the record, some people just don't deserve the money they seem to have.

Other sundry stuff ensued....With the Cowboys tied at 7, we departed for our first Formal Dinner. It was nice, but we skipped the photos. The lines were awful and we both thought the backdrops all looked cheesy.

When I did this post, we had also been to a show (comedy/magic) which we enjoyed. There is more to do tonight, and I doubt I will be able to get back to do another update before then.

However, I want to end with one "artsy" note: no movie, photo, or other image (and certainly not words) can aptly describe the shades and hues of blue reflected by the water as the ship cuts through it.

More Photos HERE

Saturday, January 12, 2008

About these posts....

Be forewarned. If you are reading this while I am on the boat, none of the following post (or this one) has been edited. You are sure to find plenty to typos, etc. I just want to get them down and will make the look pretty when I'm not paying by the minute to type.

NOTE: The photo links do not yet work, as I cannot upload photos on the boat, so please stop back next week to see the photos.

Saturday -- Day 1 -- Good-bye Fort Lauderdale

Oh Dear LORD!

This boat is HUGE...I was expecting big, but nothing like this.

We left the hotel and boarded without a single problem or issue. In fact, we didn't wait--we walked right up to the registration desk and signed it. We walked past rows and rows of empty seats; characterizing the long wait we were warned to expect.

Angela and I opted to explore the boat for a few minutes while we waited for the "muster". I quickly found the 24 hour pizza place and had a slice. But before leaving our room we met our floor waiter (or whatever they are calling themselves in the politically correct era). I think Emanual is my new best friend.

After the emergency drill (muster) we went back to our room to find our luggage has arrived. We put it all away with room to spare. The rooms are small, but larger than we were lead to believe. After unpacking it was on to more exploration...Angela was on the hunt for the Spa. While she certainly has her spa treatments lined out, she also needs it because her hair mouse (sp) exploded in the suitecase during the flight...luckily my clothes were there to keep the mess contained.

After more exploration it was off to the early seating for dinner. We are at a table for eight, and our presence brings down the median age by a good 20 years. They all seem nice and each had ample advice for us cruise newbies.

After our excellent dinner, we went back to our cabin to freshen up. Angela promptly departed to watch the play-offs on the jumbo-tron and I explored the ship and found the cyber-cafe.

That's about it for now, more later.

For what few photos we have taken so far, click HERE.